Friday 29 March 2019

DFI Session 5

What did I learn about Manaiakalani and the pedagogy behind it?

We continue to understand the research which underpins Manaiakalani. The Cybersmart curriculum ties completely to NZ Curriculum.

Children hearing the language of Manaiakalani Cybersmart is important so it becomes embedded.
The Cybersmart curriculum is so important kids know how to be smart, positive digital citiziens.

Big Question - What is our digital footprint?
We must all know about the digital footprint we are leaving - we must be safe, responsible and respectful when online. Your behaviour online is YOU [not some detached idea]

Parents also need to to be taken through the Kawa Of Care and Cybersmart Curriculum. These are the things we are teaching your children and why. They may not be thinking about their own digital footprint.
Your digital footprint is for life [not just at school]

Manaiakalani partnered with Hapara to design Teacher Dashboard to make learning visible.
Stef says "Don't be shy about letting your class see Hapara."

Avoid term BYOD - use chrome books. We want chrome books as they sync with Hapara. .

My confidence, capability and workflow as a professional.

Chrome books should be allocated to specific children.
Digital Dig should be done at beginning of each year.

What have I learned to use with my learners?
• Explain Everything -See this  brief animation using Explain Everything- Many applications
Eg. storytelling

• Putting a screen shot into a doc on a chrome book
ctrl shift window key
• Screencastify- see practise

Confidence -personal capability.
Each week adds confidence. This is the main key to my capability. Practise,  revisiting finding real contexts to use the new tools is top of my list.


  1. Robyn, I absolutely see your confidence growing each week as you pick up more and more. I'm also really glad to hear that you're making sense of the Manaiakalani underpinnings. It really helps to understand why we do what we do, and like you say, it's all research based and with whānau voice.
    Good luck over this coming week implementing more into your programme. I look forward to hearing how it goes.

  2. Robyn - I am really enjoying learning alongside you. You are an absolute whizz. Your message about digital footprint is very clear and in kidspeak - I might have to use it with my class when they start blogging. I couldn't hear your story on the Explain Everything video but it's probably a fault at my end!
    See you next Friday,


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